Our course planning includes three fields of distinguishing features:
(1). The Field of International Economy
(related to traditional economics and international economics):
The Department offers courses as follows:
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Economic Data Processing, Financial Market, Eastern Europe Economic Development, Economic Prediction and Analysis, International Economic Information System, International Economic Information Application, Forum of Chinese Economy.
(2). The Field of International Enterprises
(including the practice of international enterprise administration, international marketing and E-commerce, etc.):
The Department offers courses as follows:
International Human Resource Management, Practice of International Standards, International Organizational Behavior, International Financial Administration, International Market Entry, Introduction to Practice of International Enterprise, Entrepreneurial Management, International Logistics Management, E-Marketing, Introduction to Stock Options.
(3). The Field of International Trade Regulations and Practice
(including the practice of international trade, civil law and business law):
The Department offers courses as follows:
Letter of Credit, International Exchange, International Commercial Negotiation, Analysis of International Market, Intellectual Property Rights, International Business Etiquette, Business English, Securities Exchanges Act, Introduction to International Contract, Practice of International Business, Business English Selected Readings, Practice of International Contract.
In addition, we also offer various elective courses, such as Money & Banking, Basic Business Korean (1) and (2), Basic Business Japanese (1) and (2), Japanese Enterprise and Market, Investment, Taiwan Economic Analysis, Logistics Management, Seminar (1) and (2), and Market of International Tourism.
Our full-time faculty includes PhDs specialized in Economics, Law, Management, Computer-Aided Education, International Trade and International Geography. Most of our part-time teachers are from industries with excellent practical experience in fields such as finance and IT.
In order to increase students’ skills required for jobs related to international business and to put them directly in positions on their jobs without further on-the-job-training, we also offer courses to enhance their skills in operating computer software and language programs for better communication skills (through elective language courses). Besides, courses such as Seminar and Senior Project can also help them integrate what they have learned and bridge their knowledge with the practical demands from the industry.